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Wonton Wrappers Vs. Egg Roll Wrappers

Wonton wrappers and egg roll wrappers are both types of thin dough used in Chinese cuisine.  

You can find wonton wrappers and egg roll wrappers in most well-stocked grocery stores, particularly in the refrigerated or frozen sections. 

If you’ve ever wondered what the difference between these products is, then you are not alone. 

Both are made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, offering a versatile base for various savory or sweet fillings. 

Additionally, their appearance and texture can be somewhat alike.  

However, as their names would suggest, these wrappers are used in different dishes. wonton wrappers are typically used to make dumplings, while egg roll wrapper is used for egg roll or spring rolls.  

The post aims to explore the differences between these two doughs and find out if they can also be used for each other.  

Wonton wrappers are smaller and thinner

Wonton wrappers are generally smaller and thinner, making them suitable for making bite-sized dumplings.  

These wrappers are commonly used for traditional Chinese wontons, which are filled with a mixture of meat, vegetables, or seafood. 

On the other hand, egg roll wrappers are larger and slightly thicker. 

Egg roll wrappers are suited for making egg rolls or spring rolls.

These are typically filled with a combination of vegetables, meat, and sometimes noodles, and then fried or baked. 

Wonton wrappers are ideal for smaller, boiled or steamed dumplings, while egg roll wrappers are better suited for larger, fried or baked rolls like egg rolls or spring rolls. 

Can wonton wrappers be used in place of egg roll wrappers?

You can generally use wonton wrappers as a substitute for egg roll wrappers.  

Keep in mind that wonton wrappers are smaller, so you might need to adjust the quantity of the filling accordingly. 

Wonton wrappers are also typically thinner than egg roll wrappers.  

If substituting one for the other, be aware that the thickness may vary, and therefore, you may have to adjust the cooking time as well.